21st April 2017. As part of the expansion, Y K Toh Marketing (S) Pte Ltd is moving out from 8 Changi North St 1, TSK Building, Singapore 498829. In the past 7 years, the operation had took place here. Currently Y K Toh Marketing (S) Pte Ltd is expanding and increasing its storing capability to meet its market surging demand. The new operating site for Y K Toh Marketing (S) Pte Ltd would be 12 Chang North Way, #03-01, Singapore 498791.
This would be a new warehouse based building where the office is on the 4th floor. The size of the new warehouse is around 40,000 square feet, where it would be able to accommodate max up to 2800 pallets. According to the managing director, “currently we are only optimizing up to 60% of the storing capability, more will be utilize accordingly over 2017 based on forecast, as the growing distinctive demand of the market, and Y K Toh Marketing is looking into growing its product variety to meet the idea of ONE SOURCE FOR ALL. Having a strong storing capability would reduce any lead time required for any product that customer source, and increase the varieties of product been stored, while at the same time targeting the future, E-Commerce.
The operation of Y K Toh Marketing (S) Pte Ltd will official starts at the new warehouse from 2nd May 2017.